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Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun

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Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun - Page 4 Empty Re: Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun

Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:02 am

Julian frowned, it was a big manor and he didn't like the idea of wandering round for an aeon trying to find the Sargeant.
"What does he look like?" he asked, at least that may help speed up the process.

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:04 am

After making his way down to the end of the hallway and slipping one final piece of jewelry into the deep pockets of his uniform, the burly, mustachio'd man began clapping his hands and resonating out in a booming voice, "Alright, people, we've been here for nine hours... I think we can pack it up and call it a day! Group up in the entrance hall and report what you've found, I'll compile it all for the case file!"


The young Enforcer nodded quickly, "Oh, you can't miss him... tall, muscular guy. Big mustache, scarred face."

At the sound of the commanding voice echoing through the mansion, the young Enforcer sighed a little, "That'd be Sergeant Aldonne."

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:24 am

"I think I'll come with you to see him then." Julian motioned for the lad to go ahead so he could follow.

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:52 am

The mustachio'd Aldonne stood imposingly near the entranceway, as one by one the Enforcers in the building approached him, with him gruffly and sternly nodding to each of them in turn.


"Nothing, Sergeant."


"Nothing, Sergeant."

"Desare..." this last curt word, a little condescending, was directed to the young Enforcer last to enter the hall.

Desare shook his head meekly before saying, "...nothing, Sergeant."

Sergeant Aldonne's fierce eyes built into his chiselled features at last alit upon the man that had come with Desare, saying in his booming and authoritative, stern way, "And who the frak are you?" he said sternly to Julian.

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:56 am

"Julian Javert is who the frak I am," Julian said back in his low, gruff voice is an unflinching manner, showing that he would not be cowed, "I've been sent here because of your lack of progress."

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:00 am

Sergeant Aldonne furrowed his brow a bit, "We've been making the best progress one can expect under the circumstances... we can not make clues or evidence materialize from thin air. And I don't like outsiders with no evident authority marching in unannounced and treading all over my high-profile case. Of course, for the good of the spire nobility I hope you made some progress and found something of note... but, if you found any clues or any leads, I expect them to be turned over to me. And, if you intend to just walk in on any future crime scenes, I expect to be notified ahead of time, lest I just throw you out."

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Post  Faust Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:02 am

"Says the one pocketing valuables around in the mansion." Said Remedy as she came out of the shadows and casually walked over to Julian and leaned against him. "Might want to turn out your pockets, Mr. Aldonne."

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:08 am

Sergeant Aldonne bristled at the accusation, and did not move from his position, only narrowed his eyes at the new arrival in obvious anger, "I will do no such thing and bend to no such absurd accusations... particularly from an obvious thief who I can patently tell has absolutely no business being here. And, based on her appearance, I would put the possible taint of mutation past you... Harlin, Keitres, restrain the thief, I think we should take her down to the op-center for questioning on charges of infringing on an Arbites crime scene and damaging or destroying evidence, suspicion of intention to steal from the nobility, and suspicion of possible involvement with the murder of Farelda Liore and others."

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:10 am

Julian suppressed a look of irritation at being used as a pillar, and instead kept his gaze unflinchingly on the Sargent, "She's with me, she's a specialist. And there seems to be only one thief here, and it isn't her. Removing items from the scene of the crime is quite a serious offence, Sargent."

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Post  Faust Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:11 am

"Touch me and I'll cut your fingers off...with my teeth." She glared at the Enforcers with her sharp, green eyes.

(I roll Intimidation. I don't have it trained so it's against half-skill. My Strength is 37, half of that is 18. I rolled an 11)

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:16 am

Sergeant Aldonne simply scoffed at Remedy, and glared at his men to handcuff her, though Harlin and Keitres seemed to have far less confidence than he and were hesitating greatly before approaching Remedy. Sergeant Aldonne snapped his head quickly to Julian, barking back at him, "I will not entertain these absurd accusations from you any more than I will from the mutant thief. I'll remind you that, unless you can produce some manner of evidence of your authority or jurisdiction from Command, I can still bring you in on charges of interfering with an Arbites investigation that lay outside your jurisdiction."

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:27 am

"And what do you think will happen when you come to bring us in to the station and find that our superiors really DID send us? With our wrongful arrest and the failure to achieve any progress in this case your career prospects will start to look rather dim, don't you agree?" Julian spread his hands in an understanding gesture and he softened his tone, "I realise that you're under significan preasure on this case, and on top of that this is the type of case that can really BOOST a career and you don't want to risk someone stealing your thunder, but you have to understand, we're here to help, not to hamstring you, you can gladly take all the glory that goes with the success, all we want is a little co-operation, which begins with you standing your men down, and you emptying your pockets. After all, it's only evidence, right? And if we're to work with you, we'll need to see it. If needs be, we can discuss it's significance in private."

(I roll deceive. I roll a 2. Success!)

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:32 am

Sergeant Aldonne seemed to think this over, cocking his head to one side and rubbing his chiselled chin as he thought it over, "I am certainly not going to empty my pockets to appease the insane accusations of two people with no evident authority and on very shaky ground here."

He jerked his thumb over, pointing to one of the side rooms, "Maybe we can very quickly discuss your involvement in this case... Julian, I think it was?"

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:36 am

"That's correct, Sargent, and this is my compatriot, Remedy." Julian gave a slight smile and gestured politely, "After you."

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:42 am

After walking off into the next room and closing the door behind himself, Sergeant Aldonne turned swiftly to Remedy and Julian, focusing predominantly on Julian. With a very definite motion he removed several gemstones, likely worth at least a few thousand Thrones, and shoved them into Julian's hand, saying curtly, "I can tell you're not going to be dissuaded. I don't know who you're working for, but it's clearly somebody... Major Weivern, I'm guessing, trying to muscle his nose in where it doesn't belong? Listen, just take these, and keep your mouths shut on this case, and report nothing back to... whoever sent you. Just stay quiet and don't get in my way, there'll be more for you at any future scenes in the case. And... if you're looking to try and fix yourselves a promotion, I suggest passing a few of these on to Captain Seltann."

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Post  Faust Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:44 am

"What about the statues you put away? Oh, you didn't think you could bribe only my friend here do you? Trust me, I have connections, I could relay the information I've learned here to some very...dangerous people in power." She found a dark corner and leaned against the wall.

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Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun - Page 4 Empty Re: Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun

Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:48 am

Sergeant Aldonne looked disgustedly at Remedy, "I gave more than enough to your friend there for both of you. Don't push your luck, mutie, or I might decide it's less trouble to bust you down on suspicion of mutation and hold you at Ops until we can test you. No guarantees there wouldn't be any tragic accidents beforehand."

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Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun - Page 4 Empty Re: Dark Heresy - Chapter 1: Inspiration Grows From The Barrel Of A Gun

Post  Faust Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:51 am

"I grew up on a feral world, surrounded by dangerous animals. I had my teeth filed when I was just a child. It's quite painful. If you think you can intimidate me, Mr. Enforcer, keep in mind that you are not a dangerous animal but I am." She hissed at him from the shadows, her filed teeth grinding against each other, making a sickening bone against bone sound. Human psychology came with being an asassain, right now what Aldonne was thinking was that she was cannibal, even if only for a split second and fear like that could be used.

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:53 am

Sergeant Aldonne simply looked in further disgust at Remedy, saying curtly to Julian, "Keep your little 'pet' on her leash, unless you want to force me to put her down."

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:00 am

Corruption... It didn't have to take the form of dark worship or mutation, it could be as simple as trying to smear the path to justice for personal gain.
Julian despised Arbites who tried to buy their way to higher ranks, tried to buy silence or let crime slip for a backhand payment... this besmurchment on his honour would not go unpaid... but not yet.

"Remedy, the Sargent here has been kind enough to see us sitting pretty for quite some time. Do us all a favour and shut your serrated mouth." Julian looked to the Sargent and gave as pleasent a smile as he could, "Please excuse my 'friend', these feral worlders are short enough on brains to not know when to be greatful."

Julian slipped the gems into his pocket, but had no intention of keeping them.

"Thank you for your co-operation." The dark skinned Arbite began to rack his brain to see if he could remember anything about the afformentioned Major or Captain.

(I roll Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) and get 32.)

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:10 am

Sergeant Aldonne nodded affirmatively to Julian, as of one 'man of the world' to another.

Racking his brain, Julian could find he could, distantly, recall the names of both officers, though he had never served under or met either of them. Captain Seltann was a fairly well-regarded and respected Captain of the Arbites, of lower-noble background who had evidently not sat on his laurels to attain his position, and who's purview mostly covered Spire matters, and occasionally dealt with middle-hive affairs having to do with the nobility. He was generally regarded as a reasonable, hard-working, and immensely sociable and likable man.

Major Weivern was somewhat notable in the Arbites, predominantly for the multiple black marks being levelled against him recently by several factions within the Arbites, including Captain Seltann. He mostly dealt with the lower hive and the underhive, and all manner of malicious rumors had begun to surround him over the past two years or so, ranging from him being affiliated with the narco-gangs and criminal cabals of that despicable area, to some truly insidious claims that the dark areas he worked in had tainted him, that he was a secret mutant or possibly even turned from belief in the Throne. He was currently holding on to his position only by the skin of his fingernails and a few holdout supporters he had in the Arbites, though he was not expected to hold on to his job for more than another year at most... he'd likely be lucky to escape without trial and execution.

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:18 am

"I believe our business is concluded here, Sargent." Julian said as nicely as possible and stepped away from the door.

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Post  Saiser Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:25 am

Sergeant Aldonne left the room with a quick stride, dismissing Harlin and Keitres, but saying curtly to young Desare, "Come with me... I want to talk to you, Rookie," the massive Sergeant gripping the young Enforcer firmly by the shoulder as the two of them walked out of the mansion.

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Post  NotTheRedWire Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:31 am

Julian quickly emptied the gems and baubles out onto a side table with a look of disgust and snapped his head round to Remedy.
"We need to follow him, quickly! We're not finished with this whore's rectum of an officer!"

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Post  Faust Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:35 am

"Nice metaphor there but how do you expect to get information out of him? I can easily torture him but it would kill him eventually. How do you feel about that, Mr. Julian?" Remedy happily took the gems and hid them where they couldn't be found easily, an old trick she was thought about smugling.

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